Tuesday 18 March 2008

The Mitzvot (Obligations) of Purim: A brief guide

Fast of Esther (Thursday 20 March 2008) starts 4.24am, ends 6.54pm. For info on the Fast of Esther, please see here

For more in-depth Purim Info see here.

The Megila (Scroll of Esther) is read on Purim evening and Purim day. It tells of the salvation of the Jews on Purim and explains the basis of how we celebrate Purim. Those who wish to fulfill this obligation correctly listen to every word of the Megila.

Purim Seuda (meal)
We celebrate Purim with a festive meal during the day (this year on Friday). As this year Purim is on a Friday and we also need to prepare for Shabbat, start the Seuda by midday and wrap it up by 5pm at the latest (Shabbat starts at 6.01pm, which is the latest time for candle lighting and the time the service starts in Shul). The meal is enhanced by wine to celebrate the miracles of our salvation on Purim. There are plenty of urban myths about Purim and drinking. Jewish law (halacha) mandates that you follow the instructions on whisky bottles and drink responsibly.

Mishloach Manot
Literally, the sending of gifts. Give at least two different ready to eat foods, eg a tub of chumus and a packet of crackers to another Jew. We give gifts to show our gratitute at the Purim salvation.

Matanot Le'evyonim
Literally, charity to those who need. More should be spent on this mitzva than Mishloach Manot. This money should reach its recipients on the day of Purim. Collection boxes will be available in Shul and the proceeds will be distributed on the day of Purim to help needy families celebrate Purim.

If you have any Purim questions, please email me.

Sunday 16 March 2008

Shemita Update March 08/Adar 5768

Here is a link to the latest Shemita update from the London Beth Din's Kashrut Department.


Israeli chocolate is fine though as cocoa beans are not considered to be fruit even if you might wish they would count as one of your 5aday!

Purim Sameach / Happy Purim